The AccurioWide series combines state-of-the-art image quality, UV LED technology and high-productivity flexibility. Take a look at how it works:
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The AccurioWide printers are equipped with powerful, air-cooled 16 W/cm2 UV LED lamps for the curing process. Not only will you and your customers benefit, but the environment will too:
LED lamps are switched on/off instantly, without any degradation of intensity. That means no lamp warm-up time or delay for shutter motion. The result is faster operations with higher productivity
Vision Registration System & Camera
LEDs last for at least 10,000 hours each — possibly as long as five years. They generate a consistent output through that period with no lamp change downtime or consumable lamp costs
LEDs have a maximum energy consumption of 1 kWh per module, lending to significant power savings
UV LED lamps don’t contain mercury — so there’s no need for special mercury disposal or hazmat related costs. Also, LEDs don’t produce ozone gas that needs to be ventilated
LEDs are cool to the touch and have minimal heat output, allowing for a broader scope of print applications. Print on heat-sensitive substrates such as thin film, self-adhesive sheets or stretch PVC materials. Limited heat generation produces a very stable bi-directional calibration